Society formed to oppose further harbour reclamation with Winston Ka Sun Chu as Chairman, Christine Loh as Deputy Chairperson and Jennifer Chow as Honorary Secretary
Conducting “Save Our Harbour” Campaign involving the Hong Kong public. Eventually supported by 170,000 signatures
Successfully opposed the Government's proposal to reclaim 190 hectares (20.5 million square feet) of Green Island
Presented Protection of the Harbour Bill to the Legislative Council as a Private Members' Bill
Presented a Petition to the Governor-in-Council Chris Patten supported by 148,041 signatures
Commissioned a survey by Dr. Robert Chung of the Social Sciences Research Centre of The University of Hong Kong to conduct an opinion survey on harbour reclamation which found that over 95% of Hong Kong people were opposed to further reclamation
Securing the enactment of the Protection of the Harbour Ordinance
Successfully persuaded the Government through the then Secretary for Planning to announce a Government policy “that the Government would not carry out any reclamation unless it is absolutely necessary”
Successfully opposed Government's proposal to reclaim 340 hectares (36.5 million square feet) of Kowloon Bay